Benchrest Shooting NZ

Benchrest Shooting NZ

Would you like to shoot the most accurate rifles in New Zealand?
Benchrest shooting in both centrefire and rimfire encourages the development of extreme accuracy in rifles, ammunition, equipment and shooting methods.

Click here to see some of the action at the European BR Champs in Finland 2018.

Click here to see Erik Cortina’s interview with Wayne Campbell, USA BR Shooter Hall Of Fame Member
(A USA Shooter but do you see those New Zealand NZDA medals on the wall behind him!)

Did you know the NZDA is the national body representing centrefire benchrest shooting in New Zealand?
Benchrest shooting is the apex of precision and accuracy, where near perfection is achievable, and consistency is essential.  Associations shooting benchrest date back to the late 1940’s in the USA but the sport and equipment continue to develop around the world to this day.  Nothing can adequately describe the excitement, challenge and friendship in this sport called Benchrest.  This is a shooting discipline suitable for all ages, and is conducted while sitting comfortably at a bench.

  • There are various classes for rifles including custom and factory class.
  • There are 2 disciplines:  Group or Score shooting.
  • Centrefire competition is conducted at various distances which is typically:  short range (100-300 yards/metres), mid range (600 yards/550 metres) and long range (1000 yards/900 metres).
  • Rimfire competition is conducted at 50 metres.
  • The rifle is supported in a stable position on a front rest and rear bag.
  • Dial-up scopes with a minimum of 20x magnification are recommended so shooters can see their shots on the target and compensate for bullet drop and wind effects.

The centrefire Group target consists of a record target in the top half and a sighter target in the lower half.  You chase your first shot at the record target with your next 4 shots.  The sighter target is for fouling shots and testing the wind.

The centrefire Score target has 5 record target bulls and 1 sighter target.  You shoot one record shot at the bullseye on each of the 5 scoring targets (NZDA does not pursue benchrest score shooting but this is what our Peeking Wallaby Match is based on).

The rimfire target is shot for Score.  It has 25 record target bulls and 10 sighter targets.  You shoot 1 record shot at the bullseye on each of the 25 scoring targets.

NZDA nationally only pursues centrefire shooting for Group.  At a club meet we will shoot 5 targets at either 100m, 200m or 300m and would use about 25-40 rounds.  Expect to use about 5-8 rounds per target and you have 7 minutes to shoot each target.

NZDA nationally shoots .22LR rimfire for Score.  At a club meet we will shoot 3 targets at 50 metres and would use 75-120 rounds.  Expect to use about 25-40 rounds per target and you have 30 minutes to shoot each target.

At a club meet you can choose how many targets you would like to shoot, although to compete for the aggregate score you will need to shoot  the required amount of targets for the discipline.

Club meets are a great place to get started, enjoy the competition and set some club records.  You can also practice for the NZDA national matches.  It is even possible to represent New Zealand at the world benchrest championships.

Mandatory Equipment:

  • Front sand bag or a front mechanical rest with sandbag fitted.
  • Rear sandbag rest.
  • Scoped rifle.


Club Day Requirements:

  • Muzzle brakes are prohibited in all classes.
  • Suppressors are allowed.
  • All shooters must bring rifles that are set up, zeroed and ready to shoot.
  • All shooters shall bring pre-loaded ammunition for the number of targets they would like to shoot (up to 5 targets for centrefire and up to 3 targets for rimfire).  Reloading for centrefire will be permitted from lunchtime onwards if we continue shooting into the afternoon.  This is to allow the mornings shoot to be completed by 12pm and for more advanced shooting techniques in the afternoon.


Entry & Match Fees

  • Gates open at 8:00am for Moving Target Backer and/or wind flag setup.
  • Registration at the range is between 8:30am – 9:15am.  Please do not arrive late.
  • Safety & match briefing at 9:30am.  Matches commences at 9:45am.
  • Target fee for the morning is $10 (using NZDA issued targets).
  • For NZDA-BOP members with no range ticket or other branch NZDA members, a $25 day fee will also apply.
  • For non NZDA members the day fee is $50.


We will be operating the range under a Restricted Operating Procedure (ROP) as competition shooting for record will be over wind flags (and into a Moving Target Backer system if shooting for group).  All shooters will need to prove their Cone of Fire by first firing several shots at a test target before being allowed to shoot under the ROP.  Otherwise where possible unqualified shooters will shoot directly into the standard target backers with no wind flags.


Please see the Club Calendar for the match details.

2025 Match Dates:

      • 12th January, .22LR Rimfire 50m for ScoreResults click here
      • 16th March, Centrefire 100m for GroupResults click here
      • 15th June, Centrefire 200m for Group – Start practicing!
      • 14th September, Centrefire 300 for Group

Previous Match Results


Benchrest Gallery

Further Benchrest Information:




Club benchrest days are great opportunity to practice for the NZDA-BOP Peeking Wallaby Matches, the NZDA National matches and perhaps qualify for the New Zealand team attending the WBSF world championships.

NZ Benchrest Shooters FaceBook page

NZDA National Shooting Rules & Instruction Manual


Enquiries to:

Baden Prentice
Match Director
Ph. 027 490 8613

Unless the range is fogged in, we do not cancel because of the weather.