Range Open Days
The range is open for use from 9:30am to 3:00pm on the last Sunday of each month. Please check the club calendar in case of cancellations.
The range is operated under the supervision of our nationally qualified Range Officers (NRO’s).
Registration is only open until 2:00pm. Please do not be disappointed if you arrive after 2:00pm and you are not permitted to shoot.
- All shooters will need to show their Firearms License to be able to shoot. Please ensure you have this with you.
- Any non-Firearms License holders will be required to shoot under the direct supervision of a Firearms License holder (usually the person they arrive at the range with).
- Hearing protection is mandatory for all persons on or near the firing line.
- Eye protection is strongly recommended.
- Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI’s), also referred to as chamber flags, are required for every rifle you bring to the range. These should be in your rifles before you leave home. When on the range these can not be removed unless a Range Officer gives you permission to do so.
- When travelling to and from the range bolts should be removed from the rifle and stored separately from the rifle. All magazines should be empty and ammunition also stored separately from the rifle. Refer Arms Regulations, Clause 19B.
- All rifles will be inspected when you arrive at the range and you will be given an induction before you can move to the firing line.
- For the safety of others please do not bring any defective equipment or ammunition (i.e. old, damaged or corroded) to the range.
- All shooters that bring rifles with an unknown zero are first required to sight them in at 25m before shooting at longer distances.
Registration from 1st March 2023 is $50 per shooter or $25 if you are a member of an NZDA branch (or a non-range ticket holder of the NZDA-BOP branch).
If the range is busy there will be time restrictions so others can shoot.
Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI’s), ear plugs and targets can be purchased at the range office.
Note: If you are a current financial club member, have applied for your range ticket and are seeking to complete a practical shoot at a range open day as part of your induction, then you need to report to the the Range Officers at the range at 9:00am sharp.
More information about the 300m Rifle Range can be found here.
Match Directors – Chris F & Richard M
Contact: rangeroster@deerstalkersbop.org.nz